Do you feel like you’re acting haphazardly as a leader? Do you want to grow but have no idea where to start? And what about the management team?
Your future vision and roadmap to your goals aren’t clear.
The fog clouding your vision is holding you back:
- You can’t prioritize; everything feels equally important.
- You lack focus and are all over the place.
- Your company should be growing quickly, but it doesn’t.
- You backtrack on earlier decisions.
- You’re not actualizing the potential of yourself, your team, and the company, and you’re stuck.
Sounds familiar? It can be different.
Expected results:
- A clear mission, vision and direction for the future
- Structure and focus, for both yourself and your team members
- Engaged employees who are on board with your story
- Realized potential and growth opportunities
- Clarity concerning making decisions
- Less internal chaos and politics
Getting back on track in 5 steps
Creating clarity
We start this program by sharpening the mission and vision for the company: Who do you want to be in the market? What solutions do you want to provide? How do you want to be known? And what values and norms align with that?
Refining mission and vision
Based on various interviews with the CEO, executives, and/or the management team, we further refine this message in a workshop. What is the essence of our vision? How do we express it? And how do we translate this into why we do what we do?
Creating a roadmap
In the next step, we align theory with practice. How do we translate this crystal-clear mission and vision into strategic priorities? What should we work on in the coming year and within what timeframe? Which initiatives have the most impact and cost the least? We record these priorities in a concrete action plan.
Continuous support
You’re never alone in this. Throughout this journey, I will continue to guide you with advice, questions, and a critical eye. I’ll be your sounding board and, yes if needed, play the devil’s advocate.
At the end of our journey, we evaluate: have we achieved our goals? What are the results? And what are the next steps?
These are the 5 main pillars of this leadership program. We customize it based on your needs.
Did you utter a sigh of relief now that you see it can be different?
Then take the first step and schedule your free intake.